How to Listen


KTWR is the big shortwave transmitting station located strategically on the US island territory of Guam. KTWR is part of Trans World Radio, or TWR International. Transmitting from 3 transmitters and 6 antennas, this station covers approximately 1/3 of the world’s population. Throughout the week, KTWR transmits programs in 19 languages into Russia, Mongolia, China, North and South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar and India.

These are areas of the world that are hostile to the Gospel. Because their governments or societal biases oppose Christianity, they often use cyber surveillance of their citizens, searching keywords, scanning email, monitoring URLs visited and other tactics to suppress freedom and to catch those who are viewing content not approved by the state.

KTWR uses its shortwave power to get over those barriers and bring truth and hope to listeners. Those who listen cannot be monitored by their government and neighbors by cyber or electronic means.  Thus, shortwave, an old radio broadcast technique, now has new relevance to “Transmitting Hope to the World”.

The use of DRM has greatly enhanced the reach and penetration of KTWR in recent months. Global Radio Ministries is purposed to deliver quality broadcast program content to maximize the effectiveness of KTWR’s ability to reach millions of people with Biblical teaching.