Back to Guam for Towers and Solar Panels

Brief but Important Trip

Closing the first half of “Strong Tower for Asia” tower restoration project for rainy season. Bringing grandson and his mom for mission work.

Banner Enterprise is nearly done with the first half of the restoration – replacing over 2,000 tower structure braces and bolts, 160 climbing ladder sections, hundreds of tower leg bolts, safety cables and tower light conduit retainers. July 16 they will conclude their stay in Guam and return in January for the next dry season to replace 96 guy wires, encase 6 weakened tower legs, perform corrosion mitigation and replace the 25-ton counterweight halyard cables. They have done very fine work and have steadfastly put in 10-12 hours per day, six days per week for three long months.

I will be bringing my grandson, Nathan who is 13, and his mother, Vanessa to Guam on this trip. Nathan will be performing electronic tests on the troubled solar panels in field #1, which will enable the station to obtain warranty replacements for failing panels. These panels should be contributing $3,300 per month to reduce station electricity cost. Vanessa will be ministering to the local population in Guam, either through pregnancy counseling or with military families. She is the office manager for Clovis Christian Church.

Please pray for a safe and effective trip for us. Leave July 10 and return July 27.

Urgent Prayer Need for Transmitter

In Guam, the 250,000-watt DRM transmitter #,6 has been down for days. One of the “deadly dozen” faults has occurred preventing the heater circuit for the filament of the big output tube from coming online. Some program broadcasts have been lost. The on-site missionary engineers, Steve Brunson and Mike Lambert have been working long hours to find a cure for this problem in a very unique and lightly documented section of the big transmitter. Prayers are requested for God to guide these men to a solution and restoration of this very important transmitter.

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