Prayers Needed!

Linda and I are returning to Guam January 30. Restoring the big towers at KTWR in Guam is about halfway through. The next four months will see a great deal of work done. These are prayer needs for ongoing projects, including: Strong Tower for Asia Pray for our safe travel to Guam on January 30,… Continue reading Prayers Needed!

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Mission Update

Sustaining the Broadcasts We are in our third series, Colossians, and broadcasts into Asia continue to go out. TWR team survives Kyiv shelling unscathed. Click here to Read the story from Mission Network News You can also listen to the MNN Audio Broadcast KTWR, Guam continues to broadcast in both Ukrainian and Russian into the… Continue reading Mission Update

Categorized as News, Other

Mission Trip Report from Vanessa

This past July, my son Nathan (13 years old) and I had the opportunity to travel to Guam with the purpose to serve. Nathan is an intelligent young man with unique gifting’s in science. He specifically loves chemistry and engineering, currently electrical and mechanical. When Grandpa Darin, who volunteers with KTWR in Guam, saw this… Continue reading Mission Trip Report from Vanessa

Categorized as News, Other

Back to Guam for Towers and Solar Panels

Brief but Important Trip Closing the first half of “Strong Tower for Asia” tower restoration project for rainy season. Bringing grandson and his mom for mission work. Banner Enterprise is nearly done with the first half of the restoration – replacing over 2,000 tower structure braces and bolts, 160 climbing ladder sections, hundreds of tower leg bolts, safety cables and tower light conduit… Continue reading Back to Guam for Towers and Solar Panels

Categorized as News, Other

TWR Affected by War in Ukraine

Russia Seizes TWR Radio Station The TWR AM station in Gregoriopol, Moldova, which was broadcasting into Ukrainian has been seized by Russia for its built-in large audience. April 7, Russia commandeered a TWR broadcast location to use the greatly expanded audience the station has gained since the invasion into Ukraine.In Guam, we have been working… Continue reading TWR Affected by War in Ukraine

What is DRM?

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM; mondiale being Italian and French for “worldwide”) is a set of digital audio broadcasting technologies designed to work over the bands currently used for analogue radio broadcasting including AM broadcasting, particularly shortwave, and FM broadcasting. DRM is more spectrally efficient than AM and FM, allowing more stations, at higher quality, into… Continue reading What is DRM?