Mission Trip Report from Vanessa

This past July, my son Nathan (13 years old) and I had the opportunity to travel to Guam with the purpose to serve. Nathan is an intelligent young man with unique gifting’s in science. He specifically loves chemistry and engineering, currently electrical and mechanical. When Grandpa Darin, who volunteers with KTWR in Guam, saw this in Nathan he jumped at the chance to mentor him in combining his love for science and Jesus! So off we went with the purpose to explore what the Lord would open up for Nathan in missional broadcasting and I was open to whatever the Lord would present for me as a supportive mother and dedicated daughter.


Founded in 1954, they are a global network of partnerships using media to take God’s Word to all nations, tongues and tribes. Now, the gospel speaks 300+ languages on air, online and on the ground in 190 countries thanks to the Lord’s work in our ministry! The station in Guam features 300-foot broadcast towers and 7 large transmitters capable of reaching across oceans and borders throughout Asia. These are all maintained by a small team of specialized engineers, technicians and support staff. Each member, instrument and media platform works in unique ways to take the good news to people wherever they are, bringing them God’s hope right when they need it.


During my time in Guam, serving at Trans World Radio, I saw how the truth of God is spoken to many people around the world. We were hosted by the Brunson family. Steve Brunson, who is the station manager of KTWR, was really kind to us. We were able to borrow kayaks and explore coral reefs. Mr. Brunson also showed us much of the fun culture in Guam, like a local farmer’s market and BBQ dinner. The hospitality of the Brunson’s was a welcomed example of God’s love in action. When we first arrived, Steve showed me around the KTWR station, explaining how the station transmitters worked to send broadcast messages all over the world. Over the next two weeks, I worked on testing the many solar panels that are supposed to provide power for the station. My goal was to provide test data for around 120 of the panels so that they could be replaced under warranty. Unfortunately, Guam being an island has many days with clouds and rain that prevented me from reaching this goal completely. However, we were able to get data for 71 of the panels that proved they had gone bad, which will allow KTWR to ask for replacements! It was a blessing to able to help with this project, as the staff has not had the time to do this critically needed testing. I want to thank everyone who supported me with prayers and contributions, it would not have been possible without you! I will remember my time at KTWR for the rest of my life, and I look forward to what God has in store for me next!


I came to Guam with no expectations, no plan, and nothing holding me back from saying “yes” to where the Lord wanted me. We were quickly plugged in by the staff of TWR and their families. They told us where to eat, things to see, and areas we would enjoy. They shared their experiences while on the island and what types of customs the locals partake in. The culture is a mix of Spanish, Portuguese, Asian and more recently American with a unique blend of Catholicism and Mysticism. The people of Guam are friendly, inviting, and warm. The weather is quite warm as well. Nathan loved the high temps and high humidity. I only felt relief from the heat when spontaneous thunderstorms erupted and poured heavy rain. It was beautiful. I enjoyed watching local children relish in the rain while they played in simple backyards and concrete houses. I spent some of my time volunteering at a local school. The children were well-behaved, sweet, and smart! They worked independently and had a growing knowledge and love for Jesus! I enjoyed hearing the testimonies of the school workers and how they came as a family to serve together. They were transparent about their struggles with not only me but the children in attendance. Capturing the passion they had to battle the world and bring these children to Jesus. Through the local church, TWR, and the school I met so many people from different states, previous jobs, and talents all here on the island for the people of Guam. They moved here with the sole purpose to serve and save. I was humbled. I was inspired. My heart leaped at the possibilities the Lord may present one day for me, my husband, and my children. Thankful for all He has already given us. During our time, I watched my son develop his purpose for the Lord. He felt the promptings from the Holy Spirit and allowed it guide his decisions and ambitions. As a mother, it was a blessing to watch. I can feel in my heart that is just the first of many mission trips for Nathan. Whether or not I go with him on his next one, the time we had together on this island is something I will cherish for all my days.


Your financial contributions, powerful prayers and encouragement were felt throughout this whole process. Our trip went smoothly from beginning to end, praise God! You rallied around us when I fell ill with COVID days before our trip covering us in relentless prayer, providing meals, and sending thoughtful messages. You gave me the strength I needed to not allow the enemy to bring my mind and body down. I made an amazingly fast recovery and by the grace God no one else in our family fell ill, including Nathan! Your support means everything and these memories will last a lifetime. Thank you for doing life with us, we are so blessed by our loving community of family and friends.


The Brunsons

Thank you for opening your home to us and allowing us to stay with you during our trip. Your example of humble servitude is inspiring and I learned so much from you. Grateful for the time we had together and the wisdom you passed along to me and my son. Continued prayers for you and your family as you serve the station for God’s glory!

TWR Staff

Thank you to all of the engineers, technicians, and support staff at TWR who poured into my son. You made him feel like a part of the tight-knit family that you all are. Your kindness and expertise in your unique fields has awakened a desire in Nathan’s heart that I am eternally grateful for. You gave him a glimpse of what is possible in his future and goals to work towards. He speaks of all of you fondly and prays for you frequently. Blessings to you all!


Thank you for loving on your grandson and pushing him to the next level of his scientific passion. I appreciate you allowing me to tag along. We are blessed to have you!


Thank you to my amazing husband! Your selfless desire to give me time with our oldest spoke directly to my heart. Thank you for caring for me and our children deeply. Love you!

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