Mission Update

Sustaining the Broadcasts

We are in our third series, Colossians, and broadcasts into Asia continue to go out.
TWR team survives Kyiv shelling unscathed.
Click here to Read the story from Mission Network News
You can also listen to the MNN Audio Broadcast
KTWR, Guam continues to broadcast in both Ukrainian and Russian into the war-torn region, adding to the efforts of TWR Europe.

Planning for New Transmitters

Guam Tech Refresh is well under way. The first project under Guam Tech Refresh is the Strong Towers for Asia tower restoration project, now 50% complete. We return to Guam mid-January to prepare for and welcome back the Banner Enterprise tower repair team. Completion of the tower restoration leads directly into antenna refurbishing and replacement of reflector screen #2. To prepare for the new and larger transmitters, the transmitter hall must be enlarged – a JARON project. A new concrete roof is also to be installed. Upgrades to commercial power equipment and installation of an advanced Un-interuptable Power System is next. Installation of outdoor heat exchanging radiators follows and an upgrade to the antenna switching matrix will be done. All before new transmitters can come in and old transmitters migrate out.

We need your support:


Prayer Requests:

  • God would provide translation checkers for Mandarin, Japanese and Korean.
  • The Global Radio Ministries would receive permission to use artists’ music for new podcasting of recorded broadcasts.
  • God would sustain the three old transmitters until they can be replaced (2 to 5 years more).
  • Health for Linda and Darin in our travels to Guam in January.
  • Increased financial support for multi-language broadcasts.

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